Sutton Ceramic Treat Jar

Dog Treat Jars - Are You Spoiling Your Dog?

Dog treat jars are one of the greatest inventions every created for the dog owner. Every owner wants to pamper and love on their dog and show that they care for them. This is especially true for new owners who want to extend a warm, loving welcome to a new dog that enters their home. Whipping out a jar full of treats is of course the best form of love you could give a dog. Besides the petting and hugging that they will of course receive, treats become a way of showing love to a dog.

The problem is that in some cases the treats can be overused. If your dog treat jars tend to empty extremely fast and you are routinely purchasing new treats to refill them, chances are your dogs are being spoiled...and that's not always a good thing!

Spoiling with physical affection is great. Spoiling with lots of attention and extra walks or runs at the dog part is wonderful. Spoiling with food on the other hand can be a very bad thing. Too many dog treats can make your dog sick or may lead to them eating less healthy food because they keep their stomachs full with dog treats or don't feel well enough all the time to eat dog food as they should.

The following tips will help you use your dog treat jars correctly so your dog doesn't become overweight, hyperactive, or sick.

Treats with a Purpose

The first thing you need to do is establish when and why your dog will receive treats. Just because you don't have time to sit with them and feel guilty isn't a reason to toss them a treat! Leaving them alone during the day while you work is not an excuse to give them a pile of treats to keep happy while you're gone. Just as you would never over-feed a child because you have to work or feel guilty for not being with them all the time, you can't do it to your dog either!

Treats are awesome rewards for training purposes and can be used as a show of affection on particular days of the week, after really good walks, or just on occasion because you want to give them something special. If the dog knows that they are getting the treat for doing something good they will want to do that good thing over and over again. If they know they are getting something from the dog treat jar because it's your special time to spend together than they will look forward to spending that time with you in the future.

If on the other hand they get treats all the time or at random moments they will just want more treats. They won't associate the treats with anything positive and that is a wasted opportunity for training and bonding with your dog!

So, make your treats have a purpose!

Treats with Bonding

Also make sure that you bring out the dog treat jar and present the goodies in a loving manner. Don't just drop it to the ground and walk away. You want to turn it into a bonding or even a training moment with your dog. Get down on their level and pet them or hand feed it to them. Have them do some new trick for you in order to get it. Make it a fun, bonding moment!

More info on dog treat jars:
Dog Treat Jars and You and Your Dog
Your Dog Treat Jar Can Teach Your Dog New Tricks
The Value of the Dog Treat Jar in Your Home
Traveling with Your Dog and His Treat Jar
Keep Your Dog Treat Jar Full
Where to Buy Dog Treat Jars