Festive Paw Shaped Stocking

Dog Christmas Stockings

As the children get totally out of hand waiting for Santa Claus, imagine how wonderful your best friend will feel when Santa Paws comes to visit at Christmas time. There is not doubt that you will be shopping for presents for all of the dog Christmas stockings your family needs.

Dogs are different. They appreciate the tiniest kindness and the tiniest gift. Whether your pooch is a 2 pounder or a 200 pounder, there are many great things out there for you to put into his Christmas stocking. Since the majority of dogs don't have "hobbies" choosing the gifts will be a lot easier.

For the little ones there are beautiful clothes that will fit nicely into the cute dog Christmas stockings. From complete outfits to snow boots and sweaters, there is something that will fit. It is a good idea to provide that totally inside pup with some protection from the weather as winter season sets in for the next few months. Don't forget those delicate paw pads. You cannot expect le Pooch to adapt to freezing temperatures with their fragile paws.

If you have a short haired pup, sweaters is a good idea. It will protect them from hypothermia and keep them safe during the cold seasons. Coats, sweaters, hats and if your dog wears sunglasses in the summer, remember that the winter sun is just as bright and you may want to use them in winter as well. All of these things make great stocking stuffers.

Spoiled puppies are happy puppies. It doesn't matter what size they are, if you take the time to present them with their gifts when the rest of the family is opening theirs, the excitement will spread from the two legged family members to the four.

Food is always a good stocking stuffer. Their favorite treat or something created especially for the Christmas season would be wonderful. Bones, carob coated cookies, peanut butter treats or the vast majority of other flavors that are available will bring a smile to your face as you get an appreciative lick from your baby.

Use caution when selecting treats for your pet. Some of the sensitive dogs may not have an easy time digesting the extra fat or ingredients that go into making your doggie Christmas treats something special. If your dog has allergies, be sure to find treats that do not contain any of the ingredients that may cause a negative reaction.

Do not forget your friends dogs as well. It is easy to find out what would be best to give your friends. When you visit their home, you can see what they are using as treats and toys for their dog. A quick trip through a discount store or pet store can provide you with a selection of toys and goodies that any dog would love.

Be sure that the gifts are breed appropriate. You don't want to give an ambitiously destructive dog a squeaky toy that can be destroyed in seconds. Finding some hard toys may be a better choice.

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