Holiday Dog Collars
Holiday Dog Collars

Christmas Collars - How They Help You and Others

You might think the Christmas collars for dogs are simply and expense that people simply do not need, however, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, seeing a dog with Christmas dog collars interesting Christmas clothing actually helps you to get into the holiday spirit and others around you. How? There is nothing more adorable than seeing your little dog dressed up for the holidays and even though everyone knows he or she didn't choose their "costumes" themselves, it still makes a unique statement. Moreover, if you are planning to travel with your dog this holiday season, what a better way to spread cheer?

Traveling with Your Dog

You made the decision to travel with your dog this holiday season and have his or her Christmas collar on and ready to go with you to enjoy the holiday travels. Of course, if your dog is not used to traveling in the car, then you will want to prepare them in advance by taking them with you in the car around town so that they can get used to being with you in the car. Also, you can choose to get a crate, which many dogs take to immediately since all dogs like to feel secure as their ancestors (the wolf) did in the wild when they used dens to keep themselves safe during their sleeping times from predators. This is the same concept for domesticated dogs, the crate with a towel or blanket over it acts like a den for your pooch to feel secure when you are traveling in the car.

Making Sure Your Dog Gets Exercise During the Holidays

Not only is it important to make your dog look festive in his or her small Christmas dog collars, but it is also important to not slack on their exercise routine, which sometimes takes the back burner during the holidays as you may become busy. However, if you plan to have company over or taking your dog to someone else's home, having a well-exercised dog will mean a much better behaved dog because when dogs are not exercised, they have a lot of pent up energy that needs to come out in one way or another. Therefore, make sure your Christmas bundle is getting his or her daily exercise routine so that they are on their best behavior during the holiday season.

Moreover, think about how walking your dog in the neighborhood with his Christmas collar on will brighten other people who see him. It's true, your dog can literally spread the holiday cheer just by walking by someone's home and they see her in the Christmas collar with her Christmas sweater on. Nothing will bring a smile faster than a dog dressed up in Christmas attire, to both children, adults, and the elderly. Your dog has the capability of touching a lot of lives this holiday season, so make it a point to spread the Christmas joy this season!

More information here:
Christmas Collars To Help Include Your Pooch in the Festivities
Matching Christmas Outfits for Dog and Owner
Using a Christmas Collar and Leash to Train Your Puppy
Dog's First Visit to Santa
Dressing Your Pet For the Holidays Start With a Fashionable Christmas Collar
Socializing Your Puppy For the Holidays